
PILE ENGLISH PROJECT - The Wheels on the Bus - Year 2

Our kids in Year 2 have really enjoyed themselves working together, singing and dancing and learning lots of English.  One of the songs we prepared is a traditional English song called The Wheels on the Bus.  There are two videos.  In the first one, the kids present the different phrases of the song while the music is playing in the background and in the second you can see the kids singing the song while they performing a movement activity at the same time!  Enjoy!!......

Els nostres alumnes de 2n han disfrutat moltíssim treballant junts, cantant i ballant i aprenent moltes coses en anglès.  Una de les cançons que vam preparar és una tradicional anglesa anomenada The Wheels on the Bus (les rodes de l'autobus).  Hi ha dos videos.  Al primer, els nens presenten la lletra de la cançó i al segon podreu veure com els nens canten la cançó mentre fan una activitat de moviment al mateix temps!!  Disfruteu...

Una última cosa abans dels videos - la lletra....

The wheels on the bus go round and round 
All day long

The horn on the bus goes beep, beep, beep...

The wipers on the bus go swish, swish, swish...

The bell on the bus goes ping, ping, ping...

The mums on the bus go chatter, chatter, chatter

The dads on the bus go nod, nod, nod......

The kids on the bus go giggle, giggle, giggle....

The wheels on the bus go round and round 

All day long



Hello boys and girls!  Practise your numbers with these videos!!